During my rest day I had connected with a fellow redditor, Marcus Ward, who lives in Western Missouri and he had offered to let me stay at his place for the night. It would be a 57 mile ride to Windsor, but since the forecast predicted rain I figured that wouldn’t be a bad distance.
After a slow morning I got back on the road at 11:30 and headed out of Boonville. The rain had yet to start, and about 20 miles in, I ran into a trio of bike tourists heading east. They had come from Oregon and were headed towards North Carolina and were the first cross-country riders I had talked to on my trip. We talked for a couple minutes before heading our separate ways, and less than a minute later, the light drizzle turned to rain so I stopped to pull out my rain jacket.
After a while I eventually reached the town of Sedalia and stopped by a bike shop in a continuation of my search for a Brooks saddle. Unfortunately they didn’t have one so I ate a late lunch and got back on the trail.
Riding on the limestone trail is inherently slower than on roads because the surface isn’t as hard and is bumpier. Once it gets wet though, it really starts to slow you down. Between Sedalia and my destination of Windsor, the trail started to get really soft and my tires would sometimes dig half-inch deep ruts in the surface. My pace slowed to 7mph. Eventually, Marcus, my host for the night met up with me on the trail and we rode back to his house.
He cooked up a great dinner and served wine while we talked about biking and World of Warcraft ( he used to play). I eventually turned in for the night. It was a poor day for riding but it ended nicely so all in all it was a huge success.
Today’s mileage: 61 miles.
Total: 1674 miles